Question: You might have a favorite one, and on average, you’ll use this 2,100 times before you replace it. What is it?


Answer: A coffee mug!

How many of you have a favorite, go-to coffee/tea mug? We all have favorite things or “go-to” objects. It could be a favorite pair of pants, a favorite chair, even our “go-to” snack. We like it, we know what to expect, and it makes us feel like everything is okay.

Many of us would like to make God our “go-to” when it comes to our needs or concerns, but do you ever feel like He’s just a bit too unpredictable? Perhaps we’d be more likely to make him our “go-to” if we knew what to expect from Him.

You’re not alone. This morning, we’ll look at a passage where people are split over whether worshipping God was worth the risk. Pastor Jill brings the final message in our sermon series “God Still Acts.”