We exist to create a life-giving, life-changing, missional, mentoring community for people in need of the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.
We believe the Bible is the Word of God; the 66 books within are inspired by God’s revelation to humanity about Himself, ourselves, and the story of His redemption of humanity.
Our Mission
At Celebration, we keep our focus on the main thing: loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. Everything we do is an expression of this love, demonstrated [or “walked-out”] through worship, witness, community, discipleship, and service.
Join our service and get plugged into the plans God has for you, and our community.
What To Expect
Service at Celebration applies the truths of Scripture to the realities of life in conversational format, creating an environment for celebration, adoration, and surrender to God.
See more about what attending service at Celebration is like below:

Live music leads us into contemporary worship followed by a 30-45 minute Bible-based message to help you deepen and grow spiritually. Service Times

You’ll see everything from shorts and sandals to slacks and dress shoes. We want you to feel at home, so dress for your comfort.

Welcome Team
Upon walking into our church, you’ll be greeted by our friendly Welcome Team ready to answer any questions you have.

Children's Ministry
Children 3 months – 5th grade can participate in the fun during each service. Our 6th – 12th graders worship alongside us in the main service. Learn More

Coffee & Snacks
Enjoy complimentary coffee and refreshments at Sunday service. Come early or stay late to connect with others while we fill your belly and hearts.

Our church is single-story, with wide doors to accommodate any visitor’s needs. Let the Welcome Team know how we can make your service comfortable.
Our Leadership Team
Our church is led by a board of elders and pastors who are trusted servants and stewards of loving and serving the Lord and his people. Get to know the leaders that have shaped Celebration's mission and reach below.
Pastor Jill Jones
Senior Pastor
After attending Celebration for a few years, Jill joined our church staff, serving as our Associate Pastor for 13 years and, beginning the summer of 2020, as our Senior Pastor. Originally from the South, Jill went to school in Chicago before moving to Denver to work in inner-city ministry with homeless and street youth. Jill earned her Masters of Divinity Degree from Denver Seminary, and she loves traveling, learning, reading, gardening, dancing, hanging out with her husband, Roger, and delighting in their two children, Julia and William.
Wes Scheu
Associate Pastor
Wes came to Celebration in 2005 when he heard that the church needed a new worship director. He figured he should visit the church before applying for a job there, and after his first visit, he says, “I could just feel the Spirit at work in the church and wanted to be part of what He was doing there.” Well, he’s been here ever since, transitioning from part-time worship director to full-time pastor of worship and youth, to getting ordained and becoming our Associate Pastor. Celebration is where he met the love of his life Erin and had three amazing children, Isaiah, Brynna, and Lydia. A lot has happened since he found us. Wes hopes that the Lord has him at Celebration for many years to come. Who knows what might happen next. 🙂 On top of all that, Wes loves hanging out with friends, cooking, hiking, reading fantasy novels, and is an avid fan of the Broncos!
Jazmin Lopez
Children’s Ministry Director
Jazmin is a mother of two kids, Natalia and Joaquin, and is married to Jonathan Alfonseca. They started coming to Celebration in 2013. She first joined the MOPS program at Celebration and later decided to come to church with her family. She loved the community environment and was able to connect right away with different women. After their first visits she was able to see a huge spiritual growth within her family and decided to call Celebration their home church. She is also a Board Member of Mile High Ministries and volunteers at their kids’ school. In her spare time she enjoys connecting with people, watching movies, ice cream, family time and arts & crafts.
Beth Killebrew
Communications Coordinator
Beth came to Celebration following several years at a large, suburban EPC church, happy to find a smaller sister church in her neighborhood. Her goal is to help others connect at Celebration and she does that by focusing on Communications, sending out the Celebration Weekly (our weekly email) and producing our Sunday bulletin, among other things. She also helps to coordinate our worship services and keeps a close eye on our church calendar. Away from church, she enjoys biking, hiking and spending time with friends.

Roberto Alfonseca-Huerta
Facilities & Grounds Manager
Roberto has been a part of the Celebration community for over four years and uses his extensive gifts in carpentry and property management to make the facilities and grounds of Celebration a great space for community to happen every week. In addition to being an aficionado of tinkering with projects and a lover of antique radios, Roberto is married to his beautiful wife, Teresa, and is the proud father of two children and doting grandfather to three grandchildren.
Celebration Elders
The Celebration Board of Elders are the governing body of our church, meeting monthly to make decisions that care for the spiritual and organizational health of our church.

Joe Sprague
Benjamin Hopwood
Christy Sauer
Kaye Mathews
Jill Jones
Wes Scheu
Sharyl Whitaker-Metzler
Mike Logan
Robert Pontow (not pictured)
Neighborhood Presence
Celebration strives to be a sustainable community integrated with our Virginia Village neighborhood.
We believe that stewarding our resources well, along with a generous neighborhood spirit is fundamental to the Celebration way!
Our spacious, open campus and state-of-the-art playground provide a recreational space for our neighbors to commune and enjoy a park-like setting on our property.
Our bountiful on-site garden is a precious resource that provides fresh produce to help feed the community.
Limited parking access is shared with our apartment-dwelling neighbors.
Celebration continues to build sustainable green operations on our property. We recycle, minimize food waste, monitor water and energy use, and conserves resources wherever possible to reduce our environmental footprint, coupled with "Green Sundays" to foster awareness and impact of conservation efforts.